Medical Expert Testimonials

David Ghozland, M.D. Board Certified OB/GYN
Santa Monica, CA
"Our practice has been using Belly Bandit® products for several years with the following findings:
We have found that the Upsie Belly® has shown clinical relevance in relieving pelvic pressure and discomfort during pregnancy for many of our patients. This has enabled them to remain at - or close to - normal physical activity by relieving the pressure of the uterus on the pelvis.
We have also found that the Upsie Belly® has been a key component in relieving pelvic pain in our multiple gestation pregnancies."
"We have also been using the post pregnancy Belly Bandit® products with much success and have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from our patients."
"We strongly encourage all post-C-section patients to take advantage of the support the Belly Wrap products give to the abdominal core muscles in order to initiate physical activity from a lying down or sitting position to a standing position during the immediate postoperative recovery course. We have also found that our patients feel more confident about initiating and continuing to remain mobile post surgery by having the support needed to minimize pelvic pain post surgery."

Jay M. Goldberg, M.D., F.A.C.O.G
Beverly Hills, CA
"Belly Bandit® abdominal compression wraps provide additional back support and expedite the rate at which the abdomen returns to its pre-pregnancy state."
"I’ve been recommending the Belly Bandit postpartum wraps for years. I am happy to see that a peer reviewed study has now validated their use as an effective way to relieve pain and distress post-C-section. I know many women will find postpartum binders helpful in their recovery."

Rebecca Benanti, Doula
Los Angeles, CA
"Belly Bandit® [products] are a must for anyone growing a baby that rests on your bladder and pubic bone and for every woman recovering from delivering her baby in whichever way that happens."

Cindy Robbins, M.D., P.A.
Fort Worth, TX
"As a busy obstetrician/gynecologist, I spend many hours a day on the problems and discomforts of pregnancy. I prescribe the [Belly Bandit®] pregnancy bands and wraps for support and to relieve back and pelvic pain."